Types of Vape Wires and How to Use Them

This article discusses the most common types of vaping wire, their main uses, and characteristics. Some wires are suitable for vaping with wattage, while others are used with temperature control, and one type can be used for both. The article provides a high-level overview of single-strand wire and only focuses on wires commonly used for vaping, excluding rare wires such as NiFe or Tungsten that do not offer advantages over the wires presented.

Wire gauge, resistance, ramp time and TCR

There are some basic characteristics that apply to all wire, regardless of the composition of it. These are the diameter (or gauge) of the wire, its resistance, and the ramp time of different materials.

Wire guage

A wire gauge is simply the diameter of the wire expressed in an numerical value. As the wire gauge number increases, the wire diameter actually gets smaller. For instance, 26 gauge wire is thinner than 24 gauge wire, but thicker than 28 gauge wire. In general, the most commonly used gauges for single-strand coil builds are 28, 26, and 24, while thinner wire is typically used in the exterior of Clapton coils, with gauges ranging between 40 and 32. 

There are other gauges available, including odd number gauges, but these are less commonly used.


When it comes to vaping wires, the diameter or "gauge" of the wire is an important factor that affects the wire's resistance. As the diameter of the wire increases, its resistance decreases. This means that a coil made with 32 gauge wire will have a higher resistance compared to a 24 gauge coil with the same number of wraps and ID.

But wire resistance isn't just affected by gauge. The material used to make the wire also has an impact. For instance, a five-wrap 2.5 mm ID coil made of 28 gauge Kanthal will have a higher resistance than a stainless steel coil with the exact same specifications. This is because Kanthal has a higher internal resistance compared to stainless steel.

Another important thing to remember when wrapping coils is that the longer the wire you use, the higher the resistance of your coil will be. This is something to keep in mind when building coils, as more wraps will increase the resistance of your build.

Ramp-up time

Have you ever heard of "ramp-up time" when it comes to vaping? It refers to how long it takes for your coil to heat up to the temperature needed for vaporizing e-juice. You may notice it more with complex multi-strand wire coils like Claptons, but it can also be an issue with simple single wire coils as the wire size increases. Typically, lower gauge wire takes longer to heat up due to its larger mass, while thinner gauge wires like 32 and 30 have higher resistance but heat up faster than 26 or 24 gauge wires.

Different coil materials have varying internal resistances and thus different ramp-up times. For power mode wires, stainless steel is the quickest to heat up, followed by nichrome, with Kanthal being notably slower.


To put it simply, temperature control mods use a specific property of your vaping wire to regulate the current and wattage delivered to the coil. This is done through wires with a particular Temperature Coefficient of Resistance (TCR). TCR refers to the increase in resistance of the wire as temperature rises. The mod is programmed to know the cold resistance of your coil and the material used, and as the coil heats up, it reduces the current to prevent burning. 

While all wires have a TCR, only TC-compatible wires can accurately measure this increase (see the chart above for more details).


Kanthal wire is an alloy of ferritic iron, chromium, and aluminum that offers excellent resistance to oxidation. It is a commonly used wire for vaping in straight wattage mode, making it an ideal option for those new to rebuilding, dripping, and similar activities. Due to its ease of use and stiffness, Kanthal can be easily formed into coils and holds its shape during the wicking process. As a result, it is a popular choice for building single-wire coils. Additionally, Kanthal is widely available and affordable, and can be found at most vape shops, and online retailers.


Variable wattage

Easy to work with

Holds shape

Wide availability



Not compatible with TC

Nichrome is another type of wire that works well for wattage vaping. It is an alloy that contains nickel and chromium, and sometimes other metals like iron. Nichrome wire is available in different grades, with ni80 being the most popular, containing 80% nickel and 20% chromium.

Nichrome wire has similar properties to Kanthal but heats faster and has a lower resistance. It is easy to coil and maintains its shape well when wicking. However, you need to be careful when dry burning nichrome coils since it has a lower melting point than Kanthal. If you dry burn them too hot, they may burn open. It's best to start at a low wattage and pulse the coils.

One thing to keep in mind is that some people may be allergic to nickel, which is a component of nichrome. Therefore, they may want to avoid using nichrome wire.

Nichrome wire used to be less common than Kanthal, but it has gained popularity and is now widely available at vape shops and online.


Faster ramp-up than Kanthal

Easy to work with

Holds shape

Wide availability


Nickel content

Lower melting point

Not compatible with TC

Stainless steel

Stainless steel wire is a versatile option for vapers as it can be used for both straight wattage vaping and temperature control vaping. It is an alloy made up of chromium, nickel, and carbon, with the most commonly used grades for coil building being SS316L and SS317L. While it offers a faster ramp time than Kanthal due to its lower resistance, it's important to not dry burn stainless steel at high wattages when checking for hotspots or cleaning your build, as this can release unwanted chemical compounds. Building spaced coils is a good workaround.

Stainless steel wire is easy to work with, holds its shape well, and is widely available both in physical vape shops and online. However, people with allergies should be cautious as it does contain nickel, which can cause allergic reactions.


Does double duty: VW or TC (with compatible mod)

Faster ramp time than Kanthal

Easy to work

Holds shape

Widely available


Nickel content (low)

Shouldn’t be dry burnt at high wattages

Kanthal vs nichrome vs stainless steel (wattage)

When it comes to vaping wires for power mode, Kanthal, stainless steel, and nichrome are the top three choices. However, if you have a nickel allergy, it is best to avoid nichrome and stainless steel. Kanthal has been the preferred choice for many vapers due to its ease of use and higher resistance. It is particularly favored by mouth-to-lung vapers who prefer higher builds, and a 26-28 gauge Kanthal wire is a dependable option. For MTL vapers who enjoy slow and long puffs, Kanthal's lower ramp-up time can also be a plus.

On the other hand, nichrome and stainless steel are ideal power mode wires for lower resistances, though they can be used for all kinds of inhales. Some vapers believe that they get better flavor from nichrome or stainless steel than they did with Kanthal builds.

Other types of wires

While the most common and safest options are already discussed above, there are two other types of wires as well which are used rarely and their cons overweigh their pros.


Nickel wire, also known as ni200, was the first wire used in temperature control vaping but cannot be used in wattage mode.

Since it is pure nickel, some people may be uncomfortable vaping on, and many people do have a nickel allergy or various degrees of sensitivity. Despite being popular with temperature control enthusiasts, it may not be worth the hassle due to its drawbacks.


The final wire is titanium, which is also a TC-only wire. However, there are some concerns about the safety of vaping with titanium wire. 

When heated to high temperatures above 1200 ℉ (648 ℃), it can release a harmful substance called titanium dioxide. Additionally, like magnesium, if it catches fire, it is difficult to put out. Some shops refuse to sell titanium wire because of the associated safety and liability issues.

Despite these concerns, some vapers still use it. However, it is crucial to note that if your TC mod is working correctly, there should be no need to worry about combustion or titanium dioxide poisoning. It is also essential to avoid dry burning Ti wire. While titanium is simple to shape into coils and wick, it may be difficult to obtain due to the reasons mentioned above.